Need to work on your form? – 2018

Learn to ski the Slalom Course. We are holding a NOVICE – INTERMEDIATE ski clinic on Sunday June 24, 2018.

We will have room for 10 skiers.  It will be first come, first serve and already have 3 of those slots filled.  This clinic is geared for someone comfortable on their “own” slalom ski (can get up and cross the wakes) all the way to a 34mph/15′ off skier.

Cost is $110 for three sets. Plus $7 daily USA Waterski membership if you are not a current member. A $30 deposit (payable to Collierville Ski Club) will reserve your spot.

– 10 spots. 3 sets per person. Skiers should be able to deep-water start on a single slalom ski 7 out of 10 times and be able to cut back and forth across the wakes.
– You are required to have your own ski and vest. Also recommended is bringing gloves and a handle as well, but not required. If you need to borrow some equipment, let Marc know as soon as possible so he can try to accommodate.
– Bring a lunch and water.
– Start time is 8am and will likely go until late afternoon
– Registration/deposit is refundable for weather or issues outside your control
If you have additional questions or would like to register:

Please contact Marc if you are interested in participating.


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